W. K. Mahler
2006-09-28 08:04:31 UTC
Is the slice and dice, the hind and quarter, the disalution, the exclusion,
the pick it out the remove it out, the aftermath, the repercussions, yet the
brief momentary glimpse and experience of the complete fullness of the
situation, the true size of the situation, the swelling of pleasure, the
truth of the life, the smile, the wild, the intelligent, only to shrink to
another size. to remove the disease, the infection, the false love, the
false attraction, the false friendship, the false collaboration in a
legal/illegal on paper or not on paper relationship, the rip the very vine
out of the entire source without hurting the rest of the source, the
heartbreak, the innattention, the attention, yet without the clarity,
without the full attention, the direct connection to the soul, body, mind
spirit, heart and every emotion possible, one with one and no one else in
mind at all. the beginning of the fall and rise, comprised.
help is an insistant word, never again shall one be spat upon with seeds for
imaging in mind the very reasons why the seed became spit out and some was
remove the fuse, the bomb and lighter and as a matter of fact, the person
holding it - analogy
-INTO THE HEART- www.googlegroups.com alt.law-enforcement,
soc.culture.irish, soc.culture.usa 09/20/06
"Osama Bin Laden In The Heart, Soul, Spirit, Body & Mind Of An Irish Man."
-My very worst enemy and yours too after reading that entire messages and
the pick it out the remove it out, the aftermath, the repercussions, yet the
brief momentary glimpse and experience of the complete fullness of the
situation, the true size of the situation, the swelling of pleasure, the
truth of the life, the smile, the wild, the intelligent, only to shrink to
another size. to remove the disease, the infection, the false love, the
false attraction, the false friendship, the false collaboration in a
legal/illegal on paper or not on paper relationship, the rip the very vine
out of the entire source without hurting the rest of the source, the
heartbreak, the innattention, the attention, yet without the clarity,
without the full attention, the direct connection to the soul, body, mind
spirit, heart and every emotion possible, one with one and no one else in
mind at all. the beginning of the fall and rise, comprised.
help is an insistant word, never again shall one be spat upon with seeds for
imaging in mind the very reasons why the seed became spit out and some was
remove the fuse, the bomb and lighter and as a matter of fact, the person
holding it - analogy
-INTO THE HEART- www.googlegroups.com alt.law-enforcement,
soc.culture.irish, soc.culture.usa 09/20/06
"Osama Bin Laden In The Heart, Soul, Spirit, Body & Mind Of An Irish Man."
-My very worst enemy and yours too after reading that entire messages and
William K. Mahler
"Merry Christmas To You" Audio & "God's Footprint" Photos
A UNICEF.ORG benefit only at http://www.mahlers.com
Skype ID: mahlersdotcom
William K. Mahler
"Merry Christmas To You" Audio & "God's Footprint" Photos
A UNICEF.ORG benefit only at http://www.mahlers.com
Skype ID: mahlersdotcom