Steenkin Man
2004-09-23 14:02:29 UTC
We believe we live in a liberal society. But our definition of liberal
has become corrupted. .... Diane Blood, whose inalienable right to a
child was held to justify administering an electric shock up the
backside of an unconscious and dying man to retrieve his sperm without
his knowledge or consent." - Melanie Phillips, "The soul of man under
New Labour", The Times, May 14, 1997, p18.
Blimey - I never knew that's how it was done. Barbaric! I don't rememberhas become corrupted. .... Diane Blood, whose inalienable right to a
child was held to justify administering an electric shock up the
backside of an unconscious and dying man to retrieve his sperm without
his knowledge or consent." - Melanie Phillips, "The soul of man under
New Labour", The Times, May 14, 1997, p18.
there being a fuss about his human rights at the time. Funny that...
During Mr Blood's illness Mrs Blood raised the question with the
medical practitioners of taking a sample of sperm by electro
ejaculation. Two such samples were taken, and the sperm preserved,
whilst her husband was in a coma, and shortly before he was pronounced
clinically dead.
Electro-ejaculation will become compulsory (it was compulsory for
Stephen Blood) for those men who refuse to submit to slavery in the
New Feminist Dawn proposed here:
num tibi mentireris?
num tibi mentireris?