Drunk playing with friends
(too old to reply)
2004-09-27 02:49:35 UTC
Me and my husband have been trying out new senarios to liven up our
sex life. This has been happening after we get drunk and then stay out
over friends houses. We tend to wait to get either patrtners on their
own and then make a move. After this we always have fantastic sex. We
only play with them no full sex but it is amazing. Is this wrong as we
do make the other partner aware of what we intend to do with their
rspactive partner.I have now asked my husband to suck our friend
(male) and he is willing to try but the delemma we have is do we ask
our friend or just go for it during our normal sessions.
2004-10-06 20:49:06 UTC
go for it,if he doesn't like it then he will quit.
and what about you when all this is going on. Is she between with you or are
you just watching.
2004-10-21 00:54:55 UTC
You are obviously desperate to try new things so why don't you try
going to a swingers party? Enjoy!
